When someone has disabilities, either mental or physical, you must submit their life story to get any help what so ever. Granted there have been fakes who have stole benefits from others who actually needed it.
Mads gets SSI and was a military dependent. I say was because at 21 you have your child declared incapacitated by the branch off service the military member served in. Now if they are needing this ruling of incapacitation, they probably already have the state ruling of incapacitation from when they turned 18. It’s just now the Department of Defense wants you to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the person is incapacitated and relys on the military member for over 50% of their daily living. There is a time period of how old the documentation can be. You basically have months to get a determination.
You as a caregiver along with the incapacitated person have fought every step of the incapacitated persons life. You haven’t fought each other. (Well maybe you have) You have most likely fought doctors, school systems, even family members who might think the incapacitated person is a bit to much. So you get to 21. The incapacitated person is an “older” adult and you must prove yet again that they are not able to care for themselves. Do you how demoralizing this is? You already know as the caregiver what the person with you can do. You’ve tried your hardest to get them to be somewhat independent if they are able too. But yet again another agency wants you to PROVE beyond a shadow of doubt that this person can not care for themselves. Well Thank you very much for reinforcing that in our heads. It is such a joy to know that someone you love is incapacitated.
So you go through this process of where they ask for everything except a blood sample. ( I cannot stress enough KEEP EVERY PIECE IF DOCUMENTATION!!) You need a decision by the day the person turns 21..Without it your incapacitated person is no longer a dependent and loses all benefits (insurance). Oh but hey you can buy this insurance and they “should “ reimburse you. Remember we are talking about a government entity, they do not give money back easily.
So you turned everything in, and now you wait and wait and wait. Get use to waiting we still are.
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